Career Opportunities
- Agriculture Forestry & Production – beak trimmer, equipment installer, chick sexer hatchery manager, egg candling worker, bird breeder, fancier, etc.
- Management and Financial Specialties – egg processing supervisor, hatchery supervisor, research director, production supervisor, industry analyst, etc.
- Marketing, Merchandising, and Sales – commodity broker, customs inspector, grader, packaging supervisor, buyer, etc.
- Science and Engineering – biochemist, inseminator, equipment designer, food scientist, geneticist, biophysicist, etc.
- Social Services – waste products consultant, field service technician, industry planner, disease control agent, etc.
- Education and Communication – college faculty member, poultry extension specialist,
editor/writer for a poultry publication, etc.
Career Clusters
- Agricultural and Forestry Production
- Management and Financial Specialties
- Marketing, Merchandising and Sales Careers
- Science and Engineering
- Social Services
- Education and Communication
Links & Resources
Strategic Partner